Bullet Stubby Needlefish Lures -Heavy 2 1/2oz.
Super Strike Bullet Lures truly live up to their Superman like credo – they cast faster than a speeding bullet!! These plugs will give you a distinct advantage when casting into a fresh headwind and the fish are out at the breakers. Cast it when the wind is at your back? I hope you have 300 yards spooled up or else you’ll be at your backing real quick! The Super Strike Bullet will have a tight wobble when fished with a slow retrieve, and travel a few feet under the surface. As sinking lures, you’ll need to let them settle in the water column, then begin your retrieve – slow and steady is the ticket here. Nighttime fishing in a strong headwind is right where the Bullet lives. During the day you can obviously throw tins and diamond jigs, but those lures are left impotent once the sun goes down. That’s when the Bullet will emerge from its slumber and feast on the blood of the striped bass. That being said, don’t let the time of day limit you – the Bullet is equally effective during the waking hours as well.
Super Strike Bullet lures are a must have in every serious surfcaster’s bag especially on those windy fall days (you know, when nobody else is around to watch you catch that 40 pound cow). Built with the standard Super Strike through-wire construction and VMC saltwater resistant hooks, the Bullet will save you many a headache when the elements won’t cooperate. The Super Strike Bullet is available in 16 different colors, some come with tail feathers, and in 1.5 and 2.5 oz sizes.
- Length - 4 9/16"
- Weight (oz) - 2 1/2
- Type - Sinking
- Hook Size - F2/0 R5/0
- Swivel lb. Test - 330
- Made in USA
- Molded Plastic
- Custom Rez-N-Painted
- Acrylic clear coat finish
- Heavy duty stainless through-wire construction
- Approved for use in Saltwater
- VMC treble hooks
- Rasco Split Rings