What Do Outdoorsmen Do In The Rain?

What Do Outdoorsmen Do In The Rain?

Posted by Ramsey Outdoor on Jul 26th 2017

With the summer storms that have been presenting themselves lately, we sat down and started to think about what we (self-proclaimed) outdoorsmen do during the bad weather. Obviously, we’d rather be outside, but what can and will we do when the weather gets the best of us!

  1. Go to a climbing gym! There is probably one in your area whether you know about it or not. What a fun way to learn a new sport, get some great exercise, and see a whole other community thriving at their sport!
  2. Clean out and organize your closets! Whether you are cleaning out your “toy” closet or your clothes closet remember that people like us tend to always have the “what’s new and cool”. Therefore, let the old stuff go! Purging old equipment and clothing is good for the closets and for the soul! Also, organizing the stuff you DO have makes it much easier when you decide what activity you want to do!
  3. Plan your next adventure! Thanks to a little something called the Internet, nothing is farther than our finger tips! Take some time to research your next day hike or your next backpacking trip. You won’t be sad that you took some time to really delve into the details when you are trekking through some rocky terrain!
  4. Tie some flies! For the fly fisherman, the rain is not your friend. Take some time indoors to tie up some flies for your next fishing trip. Maybe even take some extended time to learn how to tie some new ones (see the internet again).
  5. Cook some homemade energy food! For those of us who like to stay active, you don’t have to buy all of your energy food…you can make it yourself! If you like to cook, what a better way than to spend time in the kitchen preparing for your next outing!

Rain rain go away…or...rain rain give me one more day to get stuff done!